Become who God created you to be…do what He created you to do.

What if you could go through a reflective and engaging process of discovery that results in renewed direction for your life that flows from your God-given design?

Most followers of Jesus don’t know God has a unique dream for their lives and don’t know how to discover it. Join us in a gospel-centered-life planning experience that is simple enough for every follower of Jesus and yet powerful enough to change the way people live.

“God Design” will be a 2 weekend experience, February 21 – 23 and April 11 -13 (Friday evening from 6-9 PM, Saturday from 9 AM – 3 PM, and Sunday from 2-6 PM) hosted by Sequoias ( The cost for the entire experience is $275 and includes all materials, 3 assessments, and a catered lunch on each Saturday.

To join register below before February 16th. If you have questions, email Alan Bradford at